A cooperation project between University of Applied Arts Vienna and University of Vienna

In times of rapidly growing and transforming communication technologies, artists and scientists feel the urge to communicate more than any time before. Researchers from different disciplines of art and science are becoming increasingly aware of the necessity to make a dialogue with people out of their specific research field, out of their studios and laboratories.

In this context, IllustrationHub 2018, codirected by Solmaz Farhang, offered a platform for artists and scientists to meet and establish transdisciplinary dialogues. Held within the framework of WTZ Ost Science Communication programme at the University of Vienna and University of Applied Arts Vienna, IllustrationHub demonstrated an innovative perspective on multifaceted potentials of art and science collaboration towards novel methods of data interpretation and knowledge transfer. “COLABOR: ArtScience” presents the result of this unique collaboration experience in the course of winter semester 2018.

Concept and development: Solmaz Farhang

University of Vienna: Tobias Reckling and Lilli Mahdalik

University of Applied Arts Vienna: Angelika Zelisko

Exhibition design: Bojana Stamenkovic

Graphic design by Adrijan Karavdić